"The best answer to the words of the ignorant is silence"

I have always complained to my mother that she loves my brother more than me. When it came to sleeping with my mother, my brother won against both of them. Then about my brother...when I was angry, this is what my mother used to say to me, "The best answer to the words of the ignoran

I have always complained to my mother that she loves my brother more than me. When it came to sleeping with my mother, my brother won against both of them. Then about my brother...when I was angry, this is what my mother used to say to me

"Daughters are not stubborn, they listen and look good."

At that time, I used to think that I will never be a good daughter, I will not obey, I will be very stubborn and rude...

And in the same way, with time, I became very stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, did not listen to anyone.... Mother used to worry about me and used to say

"This girl is full of mercury, she doesn't know how to sit down

I don't know how it will go in life."

She used to teach the Holy Quran to the girls at home. I used to say to them, why do you teach them? Why don't these people study with their mothers?

So say!

"I teach them. It is a charity for me

will become

I have never thought about what charity is.

When I heard the announcement of someone's death from the mosque, I would immediately leave work and take the holy Quran and sit down

Do you know who is dead? And what does the deceased know who you are?

So say

"Allah knows not when I

I will reward you only if someone gives me

will do too"

I never understood what they said

He never said anything in his favor

I used to say to them, why don't you answer them??

And they say very patiently

"The best answer to the words of the ignorant is silence"

Then I just kept thinking that

"Where is the answer in the silence"

This was their routine. At the beginning of every month, they used to make rice and feed it to the children of the neighborhood. Even so, I used to argue with them that they send so many children home and there is a commotion.

So say very lovingly

"These are the gardens of Allah that are free from sins

flowers, so I feed them."

She was like that, she never complained to anyone, she used to bear every pain with silence and patience

And then they get sick and find out they have cancer

LAST STAGE..........

Amma had become very weak, after doing all the work of feeding, nursing, dressing, changing clothes, when she finished one day, she saw tears in her eyes.

I asked what happened?

So says

"I am thanking the Lord for giving me a daughter

If not, who would take care of me?"

I felt that all my childhood complaints were over. Amma loved me...

It was love that I used to sleep with my brother at night, but in the morning he would wake up from my side...

It was also love and not brother first

After feeding, she picks up the plate and walks behind me, picks up my...

When father said

"Get the job done with Robi, you're getting tired now"

So say

"No, my daughter's hands will be damaged."

It was not love either.

(And then she was gone forever...)

They were most worried about me

"I don't know how to sit down

How will I get along with people?"

They were saying yes

"Now that mercury is over, now I listen to everyone

Take it, I have learned to sit low

Now I don't answer people

"Silence is the best answer."

Nothing has changed in me since you left...

I still laugh like I used to laugh... that's all that happened

"Before I used to laugh because I was happy

Now I smile so that people understand how happy I am."

"Earlier I used to cry, you used to take me in your arms

Now when I cry, I hide my face in the pillow."

"When you used to come home from school

I used to meet at the door, now the door is closed

It is found,,, earlier you used to give food and water

Now I make it myself, now for your daughter

The hands are not damaged, now in the cold

Someone for me after washing clothes

Does not make tea,

Someone me

He does not force-feed by boiling the egg

No one says

"It's cold, listen to your mother, eat sick

will go to

"No one followed me with a glass of milk

No one says not to drink such milk

So I add jam and sweeten it."

Nothing has changed after you


Breathing is the same

Food and drink are all the same

Laughing, talking is also the same.

And your sleep says

"There is no pain in this, mother."

You don't know how bad I felt that someone should feel sorry for me

I still feel bad so I don't cry in front of anyone...

She doesn't even answer anyone's nonsense

"The best answer to the words of the ignorant is silence"


Shafqat Hussain

4 Blog posts
