Meta's Supernatural VR Fitness Is Adding a Mixed Reality Mode on Quest 3

The latest innovation is the introduction of a mixed reality (MR) mode on the Quest 3 headset

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, continues to push the boundaries of virtual reality (VR) with its popular VR fitness app, Supernatural. The latest innovation is the introduction of a mixed reality (MR) mode on the Quest 3 headset. This exciting development aims to enhance the immersive fitness experience by blending the physical and virtual worlds.

What is Supernatural?

Supernatural is a leading VR fitness app that transforms workout routines into captivating experiences. Users can box, stretch, and dance in stunning virtual environments, guided by professional trainers and accompanied by music from top artists. The app has gained a loyal following due to its engaging workouts and the ability to make fitness fun and accessible.

The Mixed Reality Mode on Quest 3

Enhanced Immersion

The new mixed reality mode on the Quest 3 will allow users to integrate their real-world environment with the virtual workout spaces of Supernatural. This means that while performing exercises, users will be able to see their actual surroundings blended seamlessly with the virtual elements. This enhancement is expected to increase safety, as users can remain aware of their physical environment, reducing the risk of accidental collisions with objects or furniture.

Advanced Passthrough Technology

The Quest 3’s advanced passthrough technology plays a crucial role in enabling this mixed reality experience. The headset’s improved cameras and sensors can accurately map the physical space, allowing for real-time overlay of virtual elements onto the real world. This creates a more cohesive and immersive experience, making the workout sessions feel even more realistic.

Personalization and Customization

With the mixed reality mode, users can personalize their workout spaces. Imagine blending the serene beauty of a virtual mountain range with your living room or adding dynamic workout elements that interact with your actual furniture. This level of customization not only makes workouts more enjoyable but also helps in maintaining motivation by providing ever-changing environments.

Benefits of Mixed Reality in Fitness

Improved Safety

One of the primary advantages of mixed reality in fitness is enhanced safety. By allowing users to see their physical surroundings, the risk of injuries from tripping or bumping into objects is significantly reduced. This is particularly important for high-intensity workouts that require a lot of movement.

Increased Motivation

The ability to blend real and virtual worlds can make workouts more engaging and enjoyable. Seeing virtual elements interact with the physical world can provide a novel and exciting experience, keeping users motivated to continue their fitness routines.

Enhanced Social Interaction

Mixed reality can also enhance social interactions. Users can work out with friends or family members, seeing them in the real world while still enjoying the virtual elements of the workout. This hybrid interaction can make group workouts more fun and interactive.

Community and Trainer Integration

Supernatural’s mixed reality mode will continue to support its community features and professional trainer guidance. Users will still benefit from real-time feedback and motivation from trainers, now enhanced by the ability to interact with the real world. This integration ensures that the quality of the workout experience remains high, while adding the benefits of mixed reality.

Future of VR Fitness

The addition of mixed reality to Supernatural on the Quest 3 marks a significant step forward in the evolution of VR fitness. As technology continues to advance, the lines between the virtual and physical worlds will blur even further, providing more immersive and effective fitness solutions.

Meta’s commitment to enhancing VR fitness experiences demonstrates the potential for VR and MR technologies to revolutionize the way we approach health and fitness. The mixed reality mode on Quest 3 is just the beginning, and it’s exciting to imagine what future innovations will bring.


Meta’s introduction of a mixed reality mode in Supernatural on the Quest 3 is a game-changer for VR fitness. By integrating real-world environments with virtual workouts, users can enjoy enhanced immersion, safety, and motivation. This development represents a significant advancement in the VR fitness landscape, promising a future where technology and fitness are seamlessly integrated for an unparalleled workout experience.

Stay tuned for more updates as Meta continues to innovate in the VR and MR fitness space, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and making fitness more engaging and accessible for everyone.


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