21 Key Questions To Ask Your Partner Before You Say "Yes" To Arranged Marriage

How Important Is Work-Life Balance to You? Successful arranged marriage tips

Entering into an arranged marriage can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it’s crucial to ensure that both partners are compatible and have a shared vision for the future. Asking the right questions can help you understand each other better and set the foundation for a successful relationship. Here are 21 key questions to ask your partner before saying "yes" to an arranged marriage.

1. What Are Your Long-Term Goals?

Why It’s Important

Understanding your partner's long-term goals helps ensure that your paths align, whether it’s regarding career aspirations, lifestyle choices, or personal achievements.

Example Questions

  • Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?
  • What are your career ambitions?

2. What Are Your Views on Family?

Why It’s Important

Clarifying views on family life, including the desire for children and responsibilities towards extended family, is essential for future planning.

Example Questions

  • Do you want to have children? If so, how many?
  • How do you feel about living with or near your parents after marriage?

3. How Do You Handle Finances?

Why It’s Important

Money is a common source of conflict in marriages. Understanding your partner’s financial habits and values can prevent future disagreements.

Example Questions

  • Are you a saver or a spender?
  • How do you feel about joint bank accounts and managing expenses?

4. What Are Your Expectations for Roles and Responsibilities?

Why It’s Important

Discussing roles and responsibilities in the household ensures both partners have aligned expectations and can share tasks effectively.

Example Questions

  • How do you feel about sharing household chores?
  • What are your views on gender roles in marriage?

5. What Are Your Religious and Cultural Beliefs?

Why It’s Important

Respecting and understanding each other’s religious and cultural beliefs is vital for harmony and mutual respect.

Example Questions

  • How important is religion in your daily life?
  • Are there any cultural traditions you expect to uphold?

6. How Do You Handle Conflict?

Why It’s Important

Knowing your partner’s approach to conflict resolution can help you navigate disagreements constructively.

Example Questions

  • How do you usually deal with disagreements?
  • Are you open to seeking help from a counselor if needed?

7. What Are Your Hobbies and Interests?

Why It’s Important

Sharing hobbies and interests can strengthen your bond and provide common activities to enjoy together.

Example Questions

  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Are there any hobbies you’re passionate about?

8. How Important Is Physical Intimacy to You?

Why It’s Important

Discussing physical intimacy ensures that both partners are on the same page and comfortable with each other’s expectations.

Example Questions

  • What are your views on physical intimacy in marriage?
  • How important is sexual compatibility to you?

9. What Are Your Career Plans?

Why It’s Important

Understanding each other’s career plans helps in planning your future together, including potential relocations and work-life balance.

Example Questions

  • Do you plan to work after marriage?
  • Are you open to relocating for your career?

10. How Do You View Personal Space and Independence?

Why It’s Important

Respecting each other’s need for personal space and independence is crucial for a healthy relationship.

Example Questions

  • How important is personal space to you?
  • What activities do you prefer to do alone?

11. What Are Your Health and Fitness Goals?

Why It’s Important

Aligning on health and fitness goals can help you support each other in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Example Questions

  • Do you have any specific health or fitness goals?
  • How important is a healthy lifestyle to you?

12. How Do You Feel About Socializing and Friends?

Why It’s Important

Understanding each other’s social habits and preferences helps in balancing social life and couple time.

Example Questions

  • How often do you like to socialize?
  • What role do friends play in your life?

13. What Are Your Views on Education and Self-Improvement?

Why It’s Important

A shared commitment to self-improvement and lifelong learning can strengthen your partnership.

Example Questions

  • How important is education to you?
  • Do you have any plans for further education or personal development?

14. What Are Your Expectations for Holidays and Travel?

Why It’s Important

Discussing preferences for holidays and travel ensures both partners have a mutual understanding and can plan enjoyable trips together.

Example Questions

  • How often do you like to travel?
  • What are your favorite types of vacations?

15. How Do You Deal With Stress and Challenges?

Why It’s Important

Understanding how your partner handles stress can help you support each other during tough times.

Example Questions

  • What are your coping mechanisms for stress?
  • How do you prefer to unwind after a stressful day?

16. What Are Your Dietary Preferences and Habits?

Why It’s Important

Discussing dietary preferences and habits can prevent future conflicts and help in meal planning.

Example Questions

  • Do you follow any specific diet?
  • Are there any foods you particularly like or dislike?

17. How Important Is Work-Life Balance to You?

Why It’s Important

Aligning on work-life balance helps in planning your daily routines and ensuring quality time together.

Example Questions

  • How do you prioritize work and personal life?
  • What does a typical workday look like for you?

18. What Are Your Views on Parenthood and Parenting Styles?

Why It’s Important

Discussing parenting styles and expectations ensures both partners are prepared and aligned on raising children.

Example Questions

  • How do you envision your role as a parent?
  • What are your thoughts on discipline and education for children?

19. How Do You Define Love and Commitment?

Why It’s Important

Understanding each other’s definitions of love and commitment helps in building a strong emotional connection.

Example Questions

  • What does love mean to you?
  • How do you show commitment in a relationship?

20. What Are Your Deal-Breakers in a Relationship?

Why It’s Important

Knowing each other’s deal-breakers helps in avoiding potential conflicts and understanding boundaries.

Example Questions

  • What are the things you cannot tolerate in a relationship?
  • Are there any non-negotiables for you?

21. How Do You Envision Your Future Together?

Why It’s Important

Discussing your vision for the future ensures both partners have a shared direction and can plan their lives together accordingly.

Example Questions

  • What kind of life do you want to build together?
  • What are your dreams and aspirations for our future?


Asking these key questions can provide valuable insights into your partner’s personality, values, and expectations. This understanding is crucial for building a strong, loving, and lasting relationship in an arranged marriage. Open communication and mutual respect form the foundation of a successful partnership, helping you navigate the journey together with confidence and harmony.


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